Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monochrome Memories! When the Internet Was Words!

Much like rummaging through some one's personal detritus stuffed jam tight in the upstairs attic, dingy and tinged with dusty, musty and somewhat offensively moldy olfactory essences, you can also find such virtual attics basements and cellars on the Internet as well, cock full of similar digital visual and sometimes audio detritus. "Detritus", by the way, is a five dollar word used exclusively by crossword puzzle authors and science fiction writers everywhere.
Anyway, navigate to http://textfiles.com/ for samples of the retro world of text computing, bulletin boards and the monochrome Internet of the green screen. Click there and reminisce.

There's even some amateur radio-related material to be unearthed at the following location http://www.textfiles.com/hamradio/
Here are just a few other samples from this monochrome storage facility!


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