Friday, September 5, 2008

HEY EVERYBODY! I'M ON TWITTER!?! So, is this something or is this nothing?

The other day I stopped by George W2XBS's ever-changing blog to see what was new in the template department. I noticed toward the bottom of his page a link to a new Twitter account. Then, earlier this afternoon, I made the observation that Greg K4HSM had also installed a Twitter account for This Week in Amateur Radio. If you don't know what Twitter is, then here is a funny story, good for one smile...or smirk (depending on your personality), because I didn't know what this cockamamie thing was either.

A month back, I had connected to the NF2G Scannist Pages and saw that Dave Stark had applied a link to his new Twitter site and so of course I clicked on it. What showed appeared to be a title or headline in a little white box proclaiming that new frequency updates for specific counties in New York State were now available. So, I clicked on the box and a new page appeared, with the same exact detail.

Hmmm, curious. Clicked again, an encore performance. I leaned back in my vintage 1950's executive's office chair, which creaks very loudly, and stroked my latter day grey and white stubble and began to emit question marks encased in soft pearly white thought balloons.

BING! After momentary analysis I grasped the secret! These "tweets" are post-it notes, electronic post-it notes, where you can plug one or two hopefully significant thoughts for others within your circle of friends to read.

Greg's approach is such that he is posting news headlines relating to the amateur radio community with associated linkage to websites for additional and more detailed information. And so I have one of these little Twitter accounts too. Stop by. I am sure can inflate a few thought balloons to squeeze inside the tight little white box.

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