Friday, August 22, 2008

From the RAT FILES circa 2003: More Retro Computing!

The following was originally composed as radio copy for THIS WEEK IN AMATEUR RADIO, first aired in May of 2003. Please click on http://www.twiar.org/ for additional information.

In out last episode, the Random Access File had just downloaded and then front loaded the critical components necessary to lift off your very own Internet DOS Box or Microsoft Windows 3.11 Retro-computer. And now, some very functional, albeit very Retro Internet Tools to expand your wireline horizons. First, these addresses:


Get the WS files. They are: WS_FTP, WS_PING, WS_FINGER All 16-bit. All work well. Especially WS_FTP. Very straightforward. Very small learning curve. Nice file transport protocol client. The WS stands for WINSOCK. A critical chunk of software needed for your Microsoft Internet experience. Two e-mail programs worth the free download considering their advanced age are: PEGASUS Version 3.10 and EUDORA Version 1.54.

Both PEGASUS and EUDORA need no real learning curve at all and both are a minor pleasure to use. Both are small and both have nothing in common with that sixteen pound bowling ball otherwise known as Microsoft Outlook Express. In fact, use my suggestion and install Pegasus on your Win95 or Win98 machine and you'll be glad you did. I can not say at this time whether
Windows XP will accept these archaic 16-bit fragments.

Another worthwhile consideration is NETTERM. I used to make heavy use of NETTERM when I published a weekly packet radio newsletter billed as the TELNET NEWS. Should you not be so surprised to learn that even the most die hard Retro enthusiast would not only want the classic DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.11 features but also maybe something a little more hip and 21st century? A quick Internet search will reveal some truly unique freeware for your heretofore crappy little laptop or big crappy desk box. Try the keyword: CALMIRA on your next GOOGLE search and a flurry of Webpages will unfold committed to CALMIRA II. Calmira II is a combination desktop, task bar and start up menu that will effectively render your Microsoft Windows 3.11 screen face into one that looks exactly like a Microsoft Windows 95 or Win98 environment. You can minimize your 3.11 program manager, then generate your favorite icons and plaster them onto the facade. Only the fundamentalist will be privy into the fact that it's really a Retro-box. The significant webpage to peruse is http://www.calmira.org/. (no longer available)

Add to this, an unusual anti-virus package from F-PROT. F-PROT provides a COLORFUL DOS screen layout with virus definition updates made available on a fairly regular basis. http://www.f-prot.com/ is the place to go to secure your anti-virus package.

A good benchmark program listed as AIDA16 is also yours for nothing. Everything and anything you need to know about your crappy little laptop or big crappy desk box from your CPU to unseen BIOS specifications to detailed memory information can be gleaned from http://www.aida32.hu/aida16.php. (no longer available)

For those who still enjoy the lost art of telnetting, it had occurred to me that the absolute best telnet client for your 16-bit Retro box, even better than NETTERM, and especially if you do any Internet packeteering, would be the ever-popular G4IDE WinPack terminal program, currently logging in at Version 6.80. Unlike most telnet clients, WinPack was designed specifically for packet use and is by far, the most user friendly environment to work within. Point the browser to http://www.gb7fcr.plus.com/ for the latest plus documentation and additional plug-ins.

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