Friday, June 20, 2008

Kids' Day at the Schenectady Museum!

This week's Random Access Thought for the week ending June 21st was recorded on location at the Schenectady Museum back in early January of this year. The Schenectady Museum Amateur Radio Association sponsored Kid's Day 2008 which was held at SMARA's big ham station inside the museum. Children and their parents were invited to drop by, have a look at all the gear and then give the kids a chance to see what amateur radio is all about. Zach and I made the pilgrimage: Zach got a shot getting on HF 40 meters while I canvassed and interviewed the kids for this special Random Access Thought.

In the associated RAT promo, Zach and his pal Bix Nix are exploring the incredibly high-ceilinged and heavily darkened halls of Big City Museum. This promo also featured the debut of Cigman Krasnov who apparently does recorded announcements for Big City Museum. In the meantime, be sure to download the podcast for TWIAR edition #793 and TWIARi edition #178 right away!

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